Energy Rituals to Start the Day


Energy Rituals to Start the Day


April 10, 2022

In Energy Matters last month I challenged each of us to commit to 3 new activities to raise our Energy level. Our commitment was to move the needle on our Energy Score by consistently adding on 3 simple actions -- every day for 1 week. Of course, the latest research shows that it takes, on average, 66 days to create a new habit.

So, by my count, we are 32 days into installing our new habits. How is it going? This question is simply a check-in for self-awareness. Please do not judge yourself. I know you are doing the best you can in this moment.  Simply take a few minutes for self-reflection. I will share my self-reflections at the end of this Blog. 

First let us broaden and deepen our awareness of how to manage our Energy. I am evolving my practice of a Morning Ritual to be Energy Rituals to Start the Day. 

As I have been doing work on Energy -- it just came to me --- my Morning...

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ENERGY Matters!




March 9, 2022

Energy matters!

Jim Loehr's quote sets the theme for this Blog:  

           "Energy, not time is the fundamental currency of  high performance." 

Dr. Loehr is a world-renowned performance psychologist, CEO and co-founder of the Human Performance Institute.  The Human Performance Institute is a training company that has successfully utilized energy management technology to improve productivity and engagement levels of high performers' across the business, medicine, law enforcement and sports professions over the past 30 years. 

Our theme is Energy and high performance.

Our focus is -- YOUR Energy and practical tips to dramatically improve your Energy. 

In the Certified High Performance Coaching Program, we usually start with a question for you to answer. I kindly and humbly ask you to reflect on the following self-assessment question:

On a scale of...

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Leaders Without a Title


Leaders Without a Title

January 31, 2022

Are you a Leader? Do you see yourself as a Leader? 

In my career in corporate America, we only sent "managers" to leadership development courses? If we truly believed everyone could be and was a leader -- we would have sent everyone to a leadership development experience!  Think about it. 

I have come to deeply believe we are all leaders and teachers with gifts to offer. Whether we are in school, in a career, in between jobs, a retiree, working at home raising children, a child, a rising star, CEO, a disgruntled minimum wage part-time employee, an Executive Director in a nonprofit, a skilled trades person, an entrepreneur, a writer, an artist, a dancer.... you name it -- we are all role models, teachers and leaders in our own circle of influence. 

In this Blog, I would like to introduce you to Blake, the hero in Robin Sharma's novel, The Leader Who Had No Title. Blake Davis was a 29-year old complacent...

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Energy Awareness


Energy Awareness


October 31, 2021


I am tired. Over the past month, indeed over the past year and a half, a significant number of people have said to me, "Alison, I am sooo tired."

Are you tired, too? 

This month our focus is on Energy Awareness  and how we can build Awareness of our Energy  -- physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Are you aware of who and what is draining your Energy? Are you clear on what your options are to raise your Energy -- your vibration and vibrancy? 

In Energy Awareness, I hope to encourage and excite you to take action -- to do 1-3 things -- that make sense to you, which will improve your energy. We will be discussing 3 tools that are easily available to all of us. There is a long list of options -- most of which do not require you to go to the fitness center, most of which are free. So, let's get started! 

This opening quote from Deepak Chopra brings home the point that Awareness is actually the...

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The Three Treasures


The Three Treasures 

September 30, 2021


This month I will share a few reflections on the foundational, and sometimes overlooked, importance of Values in the best practices of Leaders.  

At the outset, I want to be very clear -- this Blog is about inspiring you to reflect and dig deeper to discover your Top 3-5 Values. These could be Values that define your Leadership, the Culture of your organization, how you live your life, or all of the above.

I am neither preaching or teaching or coaching what your values "should be." My objective is to share resources in the hope they may be as inspirational to you as they have been to me in deepening my insights into the Values that are most important, personally and professionally, and why and how they prove to be important in the art of living and leading. 

We all have important insights on how to define Values. Here are 2 quotes form very different perspectives. As John C. Maxwell once said, "Your core...

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June 11, 2021


Truth: I got side-tracked. I started this Blog, "Know Thyself", in May. Let's just say this Blog has  been marinating -- as I was living this maxim and coaching friends and clients on this very theme. Yes, my writing got side-tracked by my coaching. While I am a planful person and almost always meet my deadlines, like a monthly Blog, I  stayed true to my Purpose -- coaching -- and that is exactly the value of knowing your Purpose. One never has to apologize for living their Purpose -- and that feels good to me. 

Then my writing was further side-tracked by my incorrigible tendency to do the research behind the quotes I feature in my Blogs and FB posts.  Was "Know Thyself" first written by Plato, or Socrates, or by  one of the Greek Seven Sages, including Thales, Solon, Chamaleon and Chilon, or by the legendary Oracle of Delphi, Pythia, dating back to the 8th century B.C.? Or does "Know Thyself" date back even...

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A Coaching Framework for Your Hero's Journey


A Coaching Framework for Your Hero's Journey  
April 22, 2021

I sincerely believe we are all heroes in our unique Hero's Journey.  And the Hero's Journey does not, typically, start at the peak -- it starts somewhere in darkness, with challenges, and with a sense that there is more -- more potential and possibilities -- more we can contribute to ourselves, our family, our relationships, our community, and to the bigger issues confronting our world.  

Joseph Campbell is the authority and famous author of The Power of Myth, The Hero's Journey: Joseph Campbell on His Life & Work, and many other books and documentaries. Here is what he has to say about the hero's path: 

We have not even to risk the adventure alone
for the heroes of all time have gone before us. 
The labyrinth is thoroughly known...
we have only to follow the thread of the hero path.
And where we had thought to find an abomination
we shall find a God.

And where we had thought...

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Always Do Your Best

Always Do Your Best 

March 29, 2021

We are continuing our journey to explore the deep meaning of Don Miguel Ruiz’s The Four Agreements and the path to personal freedom. 

I like to transform The Four Agreements into a personal statement, creating a prayer which explicitly incorporates freedom and a positive intention. 

  1. May I Be Impeccable with My Word.
  2. May I Be Free from Taking Anything Personally.
  3. May I Be Free from Making Assumptions.
  4. May I Always Do My Best.

This month we dive deeper into The Fourth Agreement: May I Always Do My Best.

As Ruiz writes: 

“The first three agreements will only work if you do your best. Don’t expect you will always be impeccable with your word. Your routine habits are too strong and firmly rooted in your mind. But you can do your best. Don’t expect that you will never take anything personally; just do your best. Don’t expect that you will never make another assumption, but you can certainly...

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Fierce Focus



October 30, 2020


There are 62 days left in 2020. That is just about the amount of time we need to change a habit! We used to think it took 21 days to create a new habit. More recent research suggests it takes 66 days before a new behavior becomes automatic. Let's start Now! 

What is your focus to close out the year? How do you want to remember 2020? What can you do -- what is under your control  -- what will you choose to do? 

Let us each decide from our unique perspective and circumstance.  When we Fiercely Focus -- we can do anything! 

Indeed, this is One Big Decision.

Mary Oliver's poem, "The Summer Day," puts our decision in high relief: 

"Who made the world?
Who made the swan, and the black bear?
Who made the grasshopper?
This grasshopper, I mean --
the one who has flung herself out of the grass,
the one who is eating sugar out of my hand,
who is moving her jaws back and forth instead of up and down -  who is gazing around...

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Honoring Courage


Honoring Courage

October 9, 2020

In this October Blog, I feel strongly it is important to speak out and honor our collective struggles and honor courage in facing the unprecedented challenges of this 2020 year of pandemic. 

Initially, I had a very different message in mind … something like Fierce Focus, with an eye to closing the year strong. Honoring Courage is the message that sang to my heart. May it uplift and inspire you – and support you in moving forward. 

Our focus in this newsletter is on courage -- acts of courage to face our fears and move forward in the midst of uncertainty and during what can appear, at times, to be a chaotic landscape. 

I want to start with a solemn prayer and tribute to the 211,844 people in the USA and the 1,056,493 people worldwide who passed over this year after a struggle with COVID 19. (Data from Johns Hopkin’s University as of October 8th.) This is a personal and universally shared tragedy.  I mourn...

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